Thursday, 31 May 2012

Conformed or Transformed?

One of these is self-motivated and issues only in that which is temporary and profane. The conformed life's reward is fleeting and must constantly be replaced with the next level of compliance in order to remain relevant. Living according to the world's standards breeds anxiety as the individual strives to adjust their public image in order to belong.

There is no purpose in the conformed existence beyond safety in anonymity. The loudest and most powerful voice, itself subject to the whim and pressures of conformation among its peers, gets to define who I am and that which is "true" for me. Relationships in this context are often based on gain and headed for failure due to un-met expectations even before they begin.

A transformed life, on the other hand, is one of perfect freedom. Its foundation is an understanding that I have purpose...that the individual has been created for a specific role which he/she is meant discover, develop and succeed in. It affirms that my existence has been intentionally planned as an integral piece of God's desire for the created order.
My place and role also have an eternal significance which extends far beyond that which I can see, touch and experience in the moment. My life is not subject to the pressure of society's shifting norms. I am not anxious, looking for the next fad or new way to belong.

Because I know who I am, what I was meant to be and my ultimate place of residence, I can move with confidence and courage into situations that many in society would consider risky. God's protection and empowerment allows, even compels me to walk among those the community would reject or ignore, precisely because I am not seeking to gain from my association with them or afraid to be seen among them, but only to serve God's purposes for them.

The transformed life gives me the freedom to concentrate on what could become eternal relationships rather than momentary self-serving acquaintances. I can, without fear, "abhor evil, hold fast to what is good and bless those who persecute me." (Rom.12)

Conformation or Transformation? I chose the latter. What about you?
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