There are two primary issues that become roadblocks to surrender, even when a seeker desires with all his/her heart to believe. The first is about worthiness, and the attendant question, "Can God ever love me?" In our society, merit and status are based on observable performance. Unfortunately, in many Christian circles, that same formula is misapplied to an individual's relationship with God.
Performance encumbered believers occupy pews in many, if not most, evangelical churches. "By grace through faith"(Eph.2:8) is taught from the pulpit, but neither understood nor appropriated. They continue to operate as if sin and good are weighed in the balance; and... that if they can only do enough good, God will be impressed into forgiving the dark and sinful moments of indiscretion. And it also follows that, if my sin is of a caliber that would make the community in which I live reject me, then God will certainly do so also.
Thanks be to God, the gospel is mediated by a completely different premise. In Romans 3:23 Paul contends that, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Given this to be true, if the world's criteria are applied, then no one can be loved. No one can be saved. However, in the very next verse, Paul affirms, (24) we are, "...justified by his (God's) grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.". So, God not only loves us, he does so with such intensity that he was willing to sacrifice his Son for us. There is no performance required, except to..."receive (Jesus) by faith." (25)
If this is you...the one who thinks that the depth of your sin denies you access to God and the forgiveness he offers...take heart, just the opposite is true! Confess your sin...for nothing is beyond redemption. God will forgive you and "cleanse you from all unrighteousness" (1Jn.1:9) Then ask him to send the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, to lead you into righteous thinking and behaviour. Performance is a consequence, not a prerequisite.
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