In this age of rapid reformation there are those, even among our Anglican brothers and sisters, who react with dismissal and revulsion towards any kind of hierarchical organization of the church. They believe that the autonomous freedom to make any and all decisions, with minimal oversight or accountability, is both their right and their calling. George Barna's negative view if the organizational structures has become the rally cry for a whole new generation of post-denomination church planters.
There is, however, a big problem with this perspective. It stands in direct biblical opposition to the will of God! Administrative and hierarchical organization of the body of worshipers - even the buildings themselves, are part of God's declared plan for his people. (1Chron.17:11-12)
Secondly, the hierarchical structure was also established according to God's plan. (1Chron.23-26) Here we find: officer, priests, administrators, servers, gate-keepers, musicians etc. There were people in charge at every level accountable to God and those who were accountable to them for the work that needed to be done.
This isn't just an Old Testament model. As the Christian church was being formed, God again established a hierarchy...albeit as a part of the body, all of equal importance to the whole, but a vertical structure none the less... each with different gifts and roles. (1Cor.13; Heb.13:17).
It is clear that the church requires structure - requires oversight - requires processes through which believers can be raised up, discipled, sent out to do ministry - supervised - provided support and accountability. Rightly constructed and biblically run, denominations are God's instrument for this task. This is not, as some would have us believe, a "necessary evil", but an ordained and celebrated reality. Thank you, Lord!
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