As we approach next week's ACNA Provincial Assembly, let us pray for unity. In John 17:20-21, Jesus said, "I do not pray for these only, (the Apostles) but also for those who will come to believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you Father are in me and I in you...that they may also be in us, so that the world may believe that you sent me." (ESV).
Lord, this is my prayer for all faithful Anglicans in North America, that we be one just as you and the Father are one...not just in a loose association, but organically a part of each other...a body of faith working as one to fulfill your will and purposes for the world. Only then will those who see us and observe our behaviour come to understand the reconciliation and rapprochement for which you sacrificed you life.
Jesus, I pray that our unity, our working and striving together for the gospel, will be a righteous and holy example to the fallen and broken world around us...and through that they will come to know the depth of your love for them...that they to will be one, just as you and the father are one. Amen
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