Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Whatever is Commendable

I wonder how many believers would have the courage to ask that others look at their lives and act likewise? This is exactly what the apostle Paul does as he closes his letter to the Philippian church. "Whatever you have learned and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." (Phil.4:9)

This isn't arrogance, but confidence in God's redeeming transformation and forgiveness. The use of the word that we translate in English as "whatever" presumes that there were and perhaps still are things in Paul's life that are not commendable. The way of the world would be to define Paul by these things, by his sin and failure.

However, the way of faith is exactly the opposite. Sin and failure is confessed as it comes to light and redeemed by the cross. The life of the redeemed should defined by those areas that reveal God at work in us. Paul outlines them for us, "Whatever is true, honourable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and worthy of praise." (Phil.4:8)

We are all works in progress, being remade in the image of Christ. That in us which is commendable to others is only what has been revealed and changed by the redeeming love of our Saviour. So, Paul can say with confidence, "...practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."
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