Tuesday, 27 March 2012

First Importance

We so-called religious people often elevate things we do to levels of importance not due them...and in the process caste down that which is of the utmost importance, thereby negating the validity and authenticity of or witness.

We draw attention to our well crafted liturgy, our talented worship teams, successful programs, the preaching gifts of our pastor, even the moral living of our leadership team. They are celebrated as if being of the utmost importance.

None, however, is of what Paul refers to in 1Cor15 as of "first importance". As good as they may all be, they pale in comparison to the message of salvation...the good news of Christ's sacrificial death and resurrection. Jesus died for our sins and was raised to new life as a sign of God's covenant with us. He is proclaimed as raised from the dead! Now that is important!

Paul said, "If Christ is not raised, your faith is futile (your programs, liturgy, worship and preaching are in vain) and you are still in your sins. Lord, help us I pray to keep before us, to give the place of primacy...the gospel message of Jesus sacrificial gift of grace and mercy. Amen

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1 comment:

  1. Good Point !
    First things first.
    Christ is the first born of the dead.
    And as he rose up...so we shall rise up
    to meet Him one day !
