Thursday, 22 March 2012

Causing My Brother to Stumble

Lack of spiritual integrity, either through intention or negligence, is one of the greatest factors contributing to the rejection of the Gospel. Nonbelievers hear what we say, but then observe behaviour that differs little from the broken and fallen world that we claim to have been redeemed from.  Our hypocrisy, even unintended, becomes a stumbling block to others.

This is the issue Paul is raising in 1Corinthians 8.  As believers, we know that there is really no spiritual power in those things which happen in non-Christian religious venues. As Paul asserts, there is only, “one God, the Father from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ…” (1Cor.8:6) However, our knowledge and confidence in this sometimes makes us careless.

By our very presence and even inadvertent assent to things that happen at “pagan” events, use of their symbols or prayer processes, like the Labyrinth or Transcendental Meditation, or participation in “Eastern” exercise systems like Tai Chi, Yoga, Chi Gong and various forms of martial arts, we lend them authority…and in doing so create a spiritual stumbling block for the very people to whom we are called to witness.  "Walking the Talk" may make us unpopular, but is necessary for authentic presentation of the Gospel.  

Lord, we ask for the gifts of discernment, attention and courage, that our integrity will demonstrate and offer a redeemed life to the community around us.   Amen

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for starting this blog. God is speaking to me through you.
