Wednesday, 5 June 2013


There is nothing like the experience of another culture, particularly a suffering one, to put some perspective on one’s own standards of living and expectations.  I have just spent ten days in Cuba.  Vacationers love this place…at least what they get to see of it.  The beaches are awesome. There is plentiful food, cheap booze and lots of fun things to do and see. It is literally a paradise.

However, there is another Cuba. I would be so brave to suggest that it is the real Cuba…mostly unseen and out of mind.  It is a Cuba where much of the population struggle just to survive; where the average monthly wage is about the Canadian equivalent of $21.  What we would consider “good” food is beyond the budget of most families; new clothing is scarce, needed medicine unavailable.  I was in the 184 sq. ft. rooftop home of a young family of three who considered themselves very blessed to even have their own space.

And yet, there is…at least among the Christian community in Cuba, a real sense of hope for the future. They know they are loved and called to love others in return. They hold fast to God’s promises for the future and share not only the gospel, but their meager resources with those around them.  The Beatitude passage from Luke 6: 20-26 is not only very real to them, but lived out among them.   They were thankful for our presence and our care, but it was us who received the greatest blessing because we had the privilege to see faith in action.   And then we returned home…

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