Wednesday, 30 January 2013

The Sabbath & Obedience

There are many today in our frenetic society who pay little or no attention to the Sabbath. I am not referring here literally to the specific days of the week set aside by the Muslim, Jewish and Christian traditions, but the concept of Sabbath rest itself. This is a weekly day where work and concerns of the world are supposed to be set aside so that concentrated attention and thanksgiving can be given to the things that God has done in one's life. Sabbath rest is necessary for reflection, listening and formulation of godly response for the coming week. Without it we are just flailing around under our own less than sufficient and sin-driven power.
Hebrews four, though, goes even farther...suggesting that not taking a Sabbath is disobedience which demonstrates a lack of faith, a hardening of our hearts which results in an inability to receive and live the good news, falling back into our pre-conversion worldly ways. Sabbath isn't an optional unimportant choice. It is an imperative of faith.
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