The Reign of Christ
This past Sunday, the last before Advent, is celebrated in many mainline denominations as the “Reign of Christ”. There is a theme repeated throughout the scripture readings assigned for the day which speaks of “witness” – both what it means to be a faithful witness and the implication of that kind of integrity and commitment (or lack thereof) for the society around us.
As one might expect on this so-named feast day, Jesus is held up as the perfect example of a faithful witness. In John 18:37, as he is interrogated by Pilate about his status, Jesus responds, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth, listens to my voice.” Jesus bears witness to God’s plan and purpose. Pilate, on the other hand, represents a defiant and self-centered worldview that has held sway throughout the ages. His response, “What is truth?” is still employed by non-believers to deflect discussion and challenge of their position. Both of these are witnesses, but to opposing and mutually exclusive realities.
What might be the implication of our acceptance of one or other of these philosophies? Pilate’s viewpoint is marked by falsehood and bondage to the societal and personal sin of the day…a promise of oppression and ultimately death. In it, there is no truth and no hope, only immediate gratification. As he washes his hands of responsibility for Jesus’ death sentence (Mat.27:25), Pilate stands as an icon of a self-centered and hedonistic world-view, that is actually held by many even in today’s world. Jesus, however, as a demonstration of God’s love and ultimate purposes for His creation, offers a vision of truth, grace and peace…both in this present day and for eternity. Which will you choose? Which will reign in your life?
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