Monday, 2 April 2012

Its Always Been About Grace

Many Evangelical Christians believe that the concept of grace was invented in the New Testament. It wasn't! God never wanted Israel to do things to appease earn their way into his blessing. In fact, Yahweh told them that the flesh of bulls and the blood of goats really accomplished nothing! (Psalm 50:13)

What God really desired from them was a relationship; one that recognized who He was and what He did for them...through thanksgiving and integrity...keeping their word. God wanted to bless them, to keep them from harm, literally to deliver them...if only they would call out to Him and ask for help...and when it is rendered, give God the glory he deserves. (50:15)

None of this is about works, about earning God's love. It is all about a merciful and loving God pouring out His grace upon his people. All he asked of them was that they had faith in Him!
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  1. Very true, Barclay+. I am preaching on 'God's amazing grace at the empty tomb' this Easter Sunday, looking at 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

  2. Good job. Your site looks really nice, and your mission is admirable. I'll try to keep in touch, and will certainly pray for your efforts. For my part, I've felt strongly drawn toward reaching those who've fallen, or gotten knocked down. . . felt guilty and forgotten and useless. . . and finally realized God has not given up on them, is willing to cleanse, restore, and use them. The website for my first book is also its title: Wish you'd take a look at it sometime and tell me what you think and perhaps suggest how i can get it into the hands of those who need to hear that kind of talk. Keep up your good work. ~donkimrey
