Hatred is inevitable and the burden born with courage by all Christian leaders. "...and you will be hated by all for my names sake" (Mat.10:22 ESV) ..."all" being those who do not believe. However, we do not walk the path alone or without resources! Jesus said, "when they deliver you over, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour." (10:19)
Jesus clearly tells us to, "have no fear of them" (10:26) and "fear not"(10:31) Instead, we are called to persevere in out witness to Jesus, declaring, "the kingdom of heaven is at hand" ...and to carry out the commission to, "heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and caste out demons." (10:8)
In short, we are to willingly and fearlessly engage in spiritual warfare with the enemy whose reason for existence is to ensure the death of Jesus followers. As sheep in the midst of the wolves, we are to acknowledge God before men, fully dependent upon Jesus for all our needs, including protection.
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Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Monday, 23 April 2012
Psalm 141:2-3a "Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips. Do not let my heart incline to any evil."
Lord, this...like David before me, is my prayer for these days of transition. As the unity that has so occupied our prayers over the last couple of years comes to fruition, we will all need an extra measure of grace, liberally salted with a holy wisdom. Father, may the words that come out of our mouths become instruments of healing and rapprochement; all that we do build your church rather than rend it apart and bring glory rather than disrepute to your name.
For we know that this is a move of your Spirit. It isn't about winners and losers, but about faithfulness and obedience to your call for unity, that we should be one as Jesus and the Father are one.
We are your servants...use us Lord, we pray, to see your gospel fulfilled in this land.
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Lord, this...like David before me, is my prayer for these days of transition. As the unity that has so occupied our prayers over the last couple of years comes to fruition, we will all need an extra measure of grace, liberally salted with a holy wisdom. Father, may the words that come out of our mouths become instruments of healing and rapprochement; all that we do build your church rather than rend it apart and bring glory rather than disrepute to your name.
For we know that this is a move of your Spirit. It isn't about winners and losers, but about faithfulness and obedience to your call for unity, that we should be one as Jesus and the Father are one.
We are your servants...use us Lord, we pray, to see your gospel fulfilled in this land.
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Monday, 16 April 2012
Fruit in Keeping with Repentance
What a strange phenomena - the Pharisees and Saducees together submitting to baptism by John! It doesn't make any sense whatsoever...unless they were afraid of the people...afraid of isolation from the new spiritual reality that was growing in the heart of their nation. But, think about this. By allowing John to baptize them, they were lending an amazing amount of credibility to his ministry...and to his witness of Jesus.
John, however, sees into their dark hearts and discerns the true motive behind their actions and he challenges them. Here is the take away for us in our age and time. Just "belonging" in the midst of the crowd isn't enough. being seen with other repentant believers guarantees them nothing. Instead, the act of submission needs to be born out of both a desperate desire for repentance and a complete change of behaviour towards those among whom they (we) have been called to minister.
That was not the case with this lot. The image John used to describe them, "brood of vipers" (Mat.3:7) could not have been more vivid. Those who act in this way...mixing with the crowd...getting along...jumping through the hoops without any real heart change, are snakes...demon spawn who hide in the dark places waiting for a chance to strike at their prey. Jesus had an even stronger image for them. The Lord described the Pharisees and teachers of the Law as "white-washed sepulchers" (Matthew 23:27)...that is, looking great on the outside, but full of hypocrisy and putrefying on the inside!
So, what is fruit in keeping with repentance? John doesn't say, except to point to Jesus, the one whose sandals he is unworthy to untie. Jesus, later in Matthew's gospel, does. Fruit in keeping with repentance attends to what he describes as, "the weightier matters of the Law...justice, mercy & faithfulness." (Mat.23:23)... humility, integrity & servant-hood (23:1-11, 26, 28). In short, a changed life that turns away from concern for self and focuses instead of the needs of others.
John, however, sees into their dark hearts and discerns the true motive behind their actions and he challenges them. Here is the take away for us in our age and time. Just "belonging" in the midst of the crowd isn't enough. being seen with other repentant believers guarantees them nothing. Instead, the act of submission needs to be born out of both a desperate desire for repentance and a complete change of behaviour towards those among whom they (we) have been called to minister.
That was not the case with this lot. The image John used to describe them, "brood of vipers" (Mat.3:7) could not have been more vivid. Those who act in this way...mixing with the crowd...getting along...jumping through the hoops without any real heart change, are snakes...demon spawn who hide in the dark places waiting for a chance to strike at their prey. Jesus had an even stronger image for them. The Lord described the Pharisees and teachers of the Law as "white-washed sepulchers" (Matthew 23:27)...that is, looking great on the outside, but full of hypocrisy and putrefying on the inside!
So, what is fruit in keeping with repentance? John doesn't say, except to point to Jesus, the one whose sandals he is unworthy to untie. Jesus, later in Matthew's gospel, does. Fruit in keeping with repentance attends to what he describes as, "the weightier matters of the Law...justice, mercy & faithfulness." (Mat.23:23)... humility, integrity & servant-hood (23:1-11, 26, 28). In short, a changed life that turns away from concern for self and focuses instead of the needs of others.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Godly Repentance!
I was reflecting this morning on the burdensome grief that I experienced as we walked through the crucifixion story yesterday. It was difficult to read and hear about our Lord's suffering as he was whipped and then hung to die. Then I realized that this pain, which believers have experienced again and again through the ages is precisely what Paul was describing in 2Cor.7 as "godly grief."
It is "godly" because it drives believers to their knees to confess their sin before the only one from whom we can receive forgiveness and absolution. Paul says, "For godly grief leads to repentance that leads to salvation without regrets" So, the pain which was almost bearable yesterday results today in the cleansing fruit of repentance.
Then, as Easter morn dawns, the pain is swept away in rejoicing that is the very opposite of Friday's pain and in itself almost unbearable. We are, as Paul said, "without regrets" because not only our salvation is assured, but we have also been completely cleansed from all un-righteousness! We are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! Alleluia!
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It is "godly" because it drives believers to their knees to confess their sin before the only one from whom we can receive forgiveness and absolution. Paul says, "For godly grief leads to repentance that leads to salvation without regrets" So, the pain which was almost bearable yesterday results today in the cleansing fruit of repentance.
Then, as Easter morn dawns, the pain is swept away in rejoicing that is the very opposite of Friday's pain and in itself almost unbearable. We are, as Paul said, "without regrets" because not only our salvation is assured, but we have also been completely cleansed from all un-righteousness! We are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! Alleluia!
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Friday, 6 April 2012
"Good Friday"

This year, however, I find myself in a significantly different space and oddly enough struggling even more! This is the first time in 28 years that I have not been intimately involved with either leading worship or preaching on Good Friday. That which before I viewed as a burden and dreaded...desiring to avoid the pain, I now mourn the loss of and it's familiar, soul cleansing power. I find that I need to be in the midst of Good Friday's struggle.
I had thought that I could easily release the "church pastor" part of me and take on this new role as a missionary to the street. It seems, however, that the transition will prove to be much more difficult than I had at first believed. So, what then shall I do? What is it that will turn this great sadness and loss that I am feeling into joy? New life...resurrection life...the last found, served and redeemed by the blood of Jesus that was shed on this day almost 2000 years ago.
So, my prayer this morning, Lord, is for the gifting, wisdom and opportunity to lead and speak into the lives of the lost and broken souls who live around me in this community. I pray for an abundant measure of courage & discernment, words of knowledge and your healing power, that I may be a conduit of your grace and a light in the darkness. I pray for your resurrection light to be poured out on Squamish, that the darkness of sin and death will be swept away and the whole community able to see and know your glory. I pray this in Jesus holy and righteous name. Amen.
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Right in Their Own Eyes
When there is no focal point for respect and attention in the life of the community, self becomes paramount and occupies the place that rightly belongs to God. It is in this context that arrogance, defiance and presumption begin to rule in the hearts of man. He not only does..."What is right in (his) own eyes..."(Judges 21:25), a god-stance is assumed and that person comes to believe that he has the right, perhaps even the duty, to behave according to his own wisdom.
The result is predictable. "God opposes the proud..." (James 4:6b). When the Creator of the universe opposes us, we are in a world of hurt. However, all is not lost. God also, "gives grace to the humble" (4:6b) Grace is the great gift of God that contains forgiveness, healing, restoration, empowerment for living and hope for the future.
Lord, in your compassion, give us grace help us to live with humility and thanksgiving, acknowledging always that every breath we take comes from you. Amen
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The result is predictable. "God opposes the proud..." (James 4:6b). When the Creator of the universe opposes us, we are in a world of hurt. However, all is not lost. God also, "gives grace to the humble" (4:6b) Grace is the great gift of God that contains forgiveness, healing, restoration, empowerment for living and hope for the future.
Lord, in your compassion, give us grace help us to live with humility and thanksgiving, acknowledging always that every breath we take comes from you. Amen
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Monday, 2 April 2012
Its Always Been About Grace
Many Evangelical Christians believe that the concept of grace was invented in the New Testament. It wasn't! God never wanted Israel to do things to appease him...to earn their way into his blessing. In fact, Yahweh told them that the flesh of bulls and the blood of goats really accomplished nothing! (Psalm 50:13)
What God really desired from them was a relationship; one that recognized who He was and what He did for them...through thanksgiving and integrity...keeping their word. God wanted to bless them, to keep them from harm, literally to deliver them...if only they would call out to Him and ask for help...and when it is rendered, give God the glory he deserves. (50:15)
None of this is about works, about earning God's love. It is all about a merciful and loving God pouring out His grace upon his people. All he asked of them was that they had faith in Him!
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