Thursday, 14 February 2013
Monday, 11 February 2013
First, we are not called to be the judge. That task is God's and God's alone. Only He gets to decide who ultimately will be in the kingdom. While it is our place to discern which behaviours are consistent with God's laws and desires...based on what has been revealed in the scripture, it is not our place to judge who will or will not be accepted by God.
In the same vein, we are not to take on the role of prosecutor either. Satan does an overzealous and consistent job of that. When believers take on the role of condemnation, the result is always hopelessness. God's plan for all of creation is a hope and a future. Our role never involves prosecution and condemnation.
Neither are we called to be a lawyer or advocate for the actions of the accused...trying to prove that what God calls sin is actually righteous, making both the sinner and his/her behaviour innocent. When a church does that we simply end us participating in the sin and leading other lost and confused people to a place of condemnation rather than forgiveness and redemption.
The role of the church, the role of the forgiven sinner...that is, those who have through and by the grace and mercy of God, received forgiveness, is to be a witness. Our calling is to reflect and demonstrate the truth of the gospel, and tell how God's love has changed our lives, and to do it is such a way that those around us can come to understand that there is indeed something beyond the pain and struggle that they are now experiencing. Our calling is to be a consistent witness so that others will want some of what we have been given.
We are not called to be the Judge, the Prosecutor or the Advocate...only a faithful witness.
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